Ribeirão Preto: A Hub of Innovation and Research in Apiculture and Propolis Studies

Ribeirão Preto stands as a distinguished center for innovation, scientific research, and development in apiculture. The city is internationally renowned for its cutting-edge work with Africanized honeybees (Apis mellifera), spearheaded by eminent scholars from the Department of Genetics at the Ribeirão Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo (FMRP/USP). 

Africanized bees are a hybrid of African and European honeybee subspecies. Introduced to Brazil in 1956 by Dr. Warwick E. Kerr to boost honey production, these bees escaped and spread across the Americas, becoming known for their aggressive behavior. Professor Lionel Gonçalves at the University of São Paulo in Ribeirão Preto furthered this research, studying their behavior, genetics, and ecology. Kerr and Gonçalves’ work advanced understanding and management of Africanized bees, highlighting their potential for honey production and their impact on ecosystems.

Esteemed Professors:

Prof. Warwick Estevam Kerr

(1922-2018) was a pioneering geneticist renowned for his research on the Africanization of honeybees. His work revolutionized apiculture by uncovering the genetic and behavioral traits of Africanized bees, which significantly influenced beekeeping practices and productivity in Brazil and worldwide.

Prof. Lionel Gonçalves

has significantly advanced our understanding of bee biology and behavior. His research has been instrumental in areas such as bee physiology and the management of Africanized honeybees, helping to shape modern apicultural practices.

Ademilson Espencer Egea Soares

is a distinguished researcher and professor at the Department of Genetics, Ribeirão Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo (FMRP/USP). He is internationally recognized for his expertise in the genetics and behavior of Africanized honeybees (Apis mellifera).

Prof. David de Jong

is celebrated for his extensive research on honeybee health and breeding, as well as the medicinal properties of bee products, including propolis. His work on disease management, bee nutrition, and the enhancement of propolis quality has had a profound impact on both the scientific community and practical beekeeping.

In the field of Propolis Research

In partnership with Apis Flora, a company with over 42 years of pioneering work in propolis and propolis extract production, Prof. Dr. Jairo Kenupp Bastos and his team has positioned Brazil at the forefront of global propolis research. The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto (FCFRP/USP) has established itself as a leader in the study of green propolis. Under the guidance of Dr. Bastos, this faculty has conducted groundbreaking research in the chemical characterization and therapeutic applications of green propolis, particularly focusing on its unique properties and benefits. In collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (FMRP/USP), especially under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Eduardo Barbosa Coelho and researcher from Apis Flora, Dr. Andresa Berretta, several clinical trials have been conducted with the standardized green propolis extract EPP-AF.

Prof. Dr. Jairo Kenupp Bastos

Prof. Dr. Eduardo Barbosa Coelho

Dra. Andresa A. Berretta

Their collaborative efforts have significantly advanced the understanding and application of propolis in health and medicine, making Ribeirão Preto a pivotal hub for quality and innovation in the field of apiculture and propolis studies.

Adding to these significant contributions, Dra. Andresa A. Berretta graduated and post-graduated by the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto (FCFRP/USP) is a leading authority on propolis and propolis extracts. Her extensive research has greatly advanced the development of new propolis extracts, innovative products based on propolis extract, chemical and biological characterization and therapeutic applications of propolis. Currently, she serves as the R&D Leader of Apis Flora Company, she was elected by the ISO country members for being the Convenor of Propolis Working Group (ISO TC34/SC19/WG2), she is Co-Founder of the AgroBee pollination startup, and already was the President of ABEMEL (Brazilian Association of Honey Exporters) during 2016 – 2023, and is now working as vice-president.

The Brazilian Standardization Body (ABNT) recognized the hard work of Dra. Andresa Berretta in front of the Convenor position at ISO – WG2 propolis. This project applied by Mr. Zetian Lv from China was successfully concluded and published in November of 2023.

Ribeirão Preto is also home to the bee protection Non-Profit Organization “Bee or not to be” founded by Prof. Dr. Lionel Gonçalves and his son Daniel Malusá Gonçalves, the current president of the organization. “Bee or Not to Be” is dedicated to the conservation of pollinators, especially bees, through research, education, and habitat restoration. The organization advocates for pollinator-friendly policies, educates the public about the importance of pollinators, and collaborates with farmers to integrate sustainable practices into agriculture. By conducting scientific research, promoting community engagement, and restoring habitats, “Bee or Not to Be” aims to protect pollinator populations and ensure the sustainability of ecosystems and agriculture. The organization also publishes scientific articles and offers various educational programs to raise awareness and foster greater involvement in pollinator conservation efforts.

Creative Business and Startups

Ribeirão is also a huge creative hub in the Brazilian Economy that are thriving and gowing for a better future with more sustainability